Amrrita R Rajpal

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 She is the founder of Edu Learrn Grow . She is associated with some of India’s premier educational institutes as a content and service provider. She is currently the Territory Head of Early Childhood Association Mumbai. A large part of her last 20 years as an educationist, has gone into researching best practices that focus on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and the world outside. Her wealth of experience includes being a preschool coordinator, franchise head of department, operations head of a large preschool chain and cofounder of Chrysaellect. This experience spans across the landscape of in-classroom teaching to managing large numbers of schools. Her education includes a post graduate diploma in Early Childhood Education from New Zealand Tertiary College. In addition she has various certificate courses to her credit – a few of which are ‘Using Multiple Intelligences as a Tool to Help Students Learn’ from Harvard Graduate School of Education- USA and ‘Understanding Learning Disabilities’ from Arya Vidya Mandir Institute of Special Education
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